Abraham Lincoln IQ

Abraham Lincoln IQ (16th U.S. President)

IQ Level = 150

How Intelligent are you?

Who doesn’t know Abraham Lincoln and his leadership during the Civil War? He made great decisions in the 1860s that made people happy. It was shocking to observe a self-taught man make such big decisions.

He was considered an intelligent man and it was obvious from his leadership. If you’re curious to know more about his cognitive ability, then refer to the article below. The estimated IQ of an intelligent man is discussed below.

Abraham Lincoln IQ

Abraham Lincoln, born in February 1809 was the 16th President of the United States. He was a lawyer and politician by profession. Lincoln was a self-educated lawyer and had a successful practice in Illinois.

He had very little formal education and was mostly self-taught. Lincoln led the Union as the President during the Civil War. He delivered great speeches, one of them being the most famous in history.

Because Lincoln was self-educated, he must’ve been an intelligent individual. It was smart of him to handle the situations during the civil war. This makes everyone think of his IQ level or intelligence.

Although the exact IQ cannot be determined; he nearly had an IQ score of 150. This is the lowest if compared with other Presidents of the United States. His total school attendance equaled one year over the years.

He understood hard problems and knew that not everything had easy answers. Moreover, he enforced a law that prohibited bringing slaves from Africa. He was against slavery and permitted them to go back into their free territory.

Hence, Abraham Lincoln was a great name in the 19th century. He was a leader people still wish to have. Lincoln was an intelligent man who made good decisions for his people.

A brief article on Abraham Lincoln’s IQ is written so people can know about the greatness of this man. He was the 16th President of the United Nations who never attended any institute for formal education. Hence, Lincoln was a smart man who made decisions for the betterment of the country.