CJ Stroud IQ

CJ Stroud IQ (American American Football Quarterback)

IQ Level = ?

How Intelligent are you?

CJ Stroud’s S2 Cognition test score has initiated a hot debate between his fans and foes. Stroud’s fans argue that his low IQ score is not a big deal as he is not a scientist or an engineer who should have polished IQ skills while some criticize labeling him as a below-average sportsperson. Let’s dig into the details of CJ Stroud’s IQ score, and explore how he reacts in response to the low score.

If you see the best American footballers list, Coleridge Bernard Stroud (CJ Stroud) will be one the top of it. He is one of the most skilled American footballers who has made exceptional records and has won a list of awards.

He also owns a series of titles in the sports world as well as he owns various businesses. All this indicates that he might have a high IQ compared to ordinary people.

However, a recently released S2 Cognition test report claims that he scored 18% on the examination while other athletes had high scores. The S2 Cognition test is designed for athletes to evaluate their sports skills. It covers their logical reasoning, working memory, verbal analysis, and their sports skills. His low score is not only surprising for his fans but also for CJ Stroud as he is an excellent athlete but his scores indicate otherwise.

He denied the importance of IQ tests claiming that he is a sports person, not a test taker who can score high. If we examine his life, analyze his success, and observe his athletic skills, we can conclude that he is an extraordinary American footballer. IQ tests are limited and sometimes they can predict inaccurate results; therefore, experts advise that we should not rely upon the IQ score of a person but see how he combats his daily life issues.

There can be various factors why CJ Stroud scored low on the IQ test. It is possible that he is not interested in the test, or he scored low due to his limited worldly knowledge and maybe he could not understand the instructions of the test so we cannot label him unintelligent on the basis of his S2 Cognition test. We should appreciate his struggle and acknowledge the progress he has made in the world of sports.