Ed Kemper IQ

Ed Kemper IQ (An American Serial Killer)

IQ Level = 145

How Intelligent are you?

Ed Kemper is a tall and heavy man who is considered a genius. His murder stories give chills to the common people. It intrigues them how a teenage boy can kill his grandparents and be violent since he was a child.

He had a sharp mind but used it for the wrong reasons. If you need to know Kemper’s exact IQ score, then refer to the information below. His score is impressive but shocks the people at the same time.

Ed Kemper IQ

Edmund Emil Kemper III, an American serial killer who murdered seven women was born in May 1972. He killed his grandparents when he was a teenager. Kemper confessed to killing six women and his mother.

He wasn’t anything but a cunning serial killer who took the lives of dozens of people including his family members. Kemper buried the bodies after killing people and even buried their heads in the backyard. Considering his actions, his IQ was considered to be very high.

The psychologists estimate his IQ score to be 145. He negatively used his intelligence level by throwing away the dead bodies and slipping away from the crime scenes. It was his sharp mind that helped him fly the crime scenes undetected.

He forced his sisters to play games that were disgusting and disturbing. Kemper had violent behavior throughout his childhood and killed all his family cats. He was sent to the criminally insane unit after confessing the murder of his grandparents but came out after a few days.

His impressive IQ always helped him get out of things easily. He’s a dangerous man who can look into people’s eyes and plan their murders at the same time. Hence, Kemper was an intelligent man but always used his ability to harm others.

A brief article on the serial killer’s IQ is written so people can be aware of it. Kemper was a famous serial killer who killed a dozen people including his grandparents and mother. He was an impressively intelligent psychopath.

Kemper used his skills to flee away from the crime scenes and save himself. Hence, he had impressive skills but used them for the wrong reasons.