Edward Witten IQ

Edward Witten IQ (American Theoretical Physicist)

IQ Level = 150

How Intelligent are you?

Do you know the great mind behind M-theory, quantum gravity, and string theory? Edward Witten was the man behind these popular theories. He contributed a lot to the fields of mathematics and physics and is considered a genius.

His intelligence level is impossible to match. If you’re intrigued to know about his IQ or intelligence, scroll down to review the article. The estimated score is discussed to end the curiosity.

Edward Witten IQ

Edward Witten, a mathematical and theoretical physicist was born in 1951. He is a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and has contributed to plenty of theories. Witten is considered to be “the world’s greatest living physicist of his generation” and earned a reputation because of his brilliant mind.

He is one of the most intelligent people living in today’s world whose mental capability cannot be matched. His contributions to physics and mathematics have been remarkable. Witten has a great mind that blows everyone away but his IQ score is not known.

The physicist never talked about his intelligence but experts estimate it to be more than 150. He surely is from the 2% of the world’s population who is highly intelligent and smart. Witten won many awards because of his work and contributions.

He would leave his fellow physicists and colleagues stuck because of the complex work. They struggled to understand and comprehend his theories and experiments. He is one of a kind who develops theories of his own to explain things.

His remarkable contribution earned him the nickname of “Darth Vader of Physics”. Hence, Witten’s work will be studied by many mathematicians and physicists in the future.

Edward Witten is one of the smartest people who made groundbreaking contributions to physics and mathematics. His IQ was never disclosed but his work is phenomenal. People having an average IQ cannot produce such complex theories and experiments.

He’s a genius who focused on the technical aspects. His remarkable work will be debated for years.