Elon Musk IQ

Elon Musk IQ (CEO of Tesla Motors)

IQ Level = 160

How Intelligent are you?

You must have heard about Elon Musk and how famous he is due to his exceptional smartness. He is a celebrity with a high IQ level who comes on the list of intelligent people currently alive on earth. Elon Musk is one of the most creative individuals with extremely exceptional cognitive abilities.

He is among the top 2% of people on earth with a high IQ level. This article tells you a detailed analysis of Elon Musk’s IQ level and his major contributions and what is the reason for his fame so that you can get to know about one of the smartest people living on Earth, today.

Elon Musk IQ

The guide tells you about the details related to Elon Musk’s IQ level and his intellectual abilities. There is no doubt that Elon Musk is a multi-talented person. He is known to have an IQ level of 160.

He is a businessman, chairman, CEO, and founder of several well-known companies including Tesla, Space Exploration Technologies, Neuralink, Musk Foundation, and the Boring Company. Elon Musk is an investor and was a billionaire only at the age of 41.

He was a self-made millionaire in 1999 and became famous in the very early years of his life because of his intelligence and high IQ. Moreover, he is also the chief executive officer, the CEO of Twitter, since October 2022. He is a well-known Tech Entrepreneur and space pioneer.

You must have heard about Elon Musk, a well-known entrepreneur with a multi-million-dollar net worth. He is a South African-born businessman who is the founder of multiple companies in the world. The Individual has an IQ level of 160 which makes him stand in the list of the top 2% people on earth with high IQ scores.