Garry Kasparov IQ

Garry Kasparov IQ (Russian Chess Grandmaster)

IQ Level = 190

How Intelligent are you?

Garry Kasparov’s IQ is still a matter of discussion amongst chessmasters and chess lovers. It is because I was indeed one of the best chess masters the world has ever seen.

He was so quick and decisive in his moves that it was nearly impossible to beat him. He maintained his win streak for years before finally losing it to a supercomputer. For further details, keep on reading down below.

Garry Kasparov IQ

Garry Kasparov is said to have an IQ of 190 which means that he was indeed a very gifted individual. However, it is also said that he had a very high chess IQ but overall he was not such a brilliant man after all. He was simply a gifted chess player.

His father once said that Garry Kasparov had always just been interested in Chess from childhood. He was not very brilliant in his studies either. Rather, he had a keen eye for chess moves and spent most of his childhood and teenage years playing chess.

He also attended various chess courses to absorb maximum knowledge relating to the Chess game. However, he retired at the age of forty-one after being beaten by a supercomputer in a competitive chess competition back in 2005.

So, it can be said that Garry Kasparov was indeed an exceptional chess player but not a very brilliant man in other aspects of his life. He started developing his chess IQ from a very young age and with time, he honed his skills further by taking various chess courses.