George W Bush IQ

George W. Bush IQ (43rd U.S. President)

IQ Level = 125

How Intelligent are you?

Curiosity sparks among the people when they think about the famous world leaders. George W. Bush was a former President whose IQ has been a debatable topic among the people. His performance was satisfactory when compared with other American leaders.

His IQ score burst the bubble that every influential person is smart or intelligent. Scroll down to know Bush’s IQ if you want to compare him with other Presidents.

George W. Bush IQ

George W. Bush, the 43rd President of the United States of America was born in July 1946. He served as the President of the country from 2001 to 2009. Bush transformed into a wartime President because of the 9/11 attack.

He was considered to be the second President who faced great challenges in history. Bush was smart enough to reach the White House but his IQ score isn’t very impressive. The former President has an IQ of around 125 which is considered to be the average of an American graduate.

He went to Phillips Academy and Yale University in 1964 to study Arts. Bush never claimed to be an intelligent man but characterized himself as an average student like others. People working in the White House had better IQ scores than him.

According to the experts, the majority of the Presidents have at least one book under their belt but Bush had none. He has no book or writings that have been published. The experts gain knowledge regarding his intelligence level from the transcripts of his speeches.

However, the IQ score is not the only measure to determine one’s cognitive ability. It isn’t necessary that people in influential positions have to be intelligent.

A brief article on George W. Bush’s IQ is written so people can know about the former President. He had to face many challenges during his Presidential period.

Although his IQ scores aren’t very impressive, he handled pressure nicely. He was in an influential position but did not perform as per the expectations.