Jeffrey Dahmer IQ

Jeffrey Dahmer IQ (American Serial Killer)

IQ Level = 145

How Intelligent are you?

Jeffrey Dahmer IQ has been a very interesting topic since the release of the Dahmer series on Netflix. Those who didn’t know who he was, were introduced to his murders and his psychotic capabilities.

He managed to stay out of jail and avoid getting caught for more than ten years. This fact is proof enough of his intelligence and sharp mind. For further details relating to his intelligence, keep on reading down below.

Jeffrey Dahmer IQ

There is no such clarity as to the IQ of Jeffrey Dahmer however, as per a few sources he is said to have an IQ of over 145. His intelligence was tested by various psychologists during his trial and also after he was imprisoned.

This level of IQ puts him in the 95% of the most intelligent people in the entire world. However, his intelligence was not enough to keep him out of jail for more than a decade. Overall, he is said to have committed more than seventeen murders over the course of more than ten years.

He was definitely not the brightest kid in his school and college days. Rather, he was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, schizotypal personality disorder, psychotic disorder, and alcohol addiction. However, with so many disorders, he still managed to keep out of jail for so many years.

So, it is safe to say that Jeffrey Dahmer was indeed a very smart and intelligent serial killer. His murders were bound to get him caught someday but still, he managed to avoid it for more than ten years mainly due to his intelligence and shrewdness in keeping himself clean.