Jim Parsons IQ

Jim Parsons IQ (An American actor)

IQ Level = 173

How Intelligent are you?

Jim Parsons’s IQ is indeed the talk of the town since his appearance in the show The Big Bang Theory as Sheldon Cooper. His social awkwardness and genius mind made him the most likable character in the show.

Hence, people have also been interested in the IQ of the person who portrayed the character i.e., Jim Parsons. For related details keep on reading down below.

Jim Parsons IQ

In an interview, Jim Parsons IQ said that Sheldon’s and his own IQs combined were 360. We know for sure that Sheldon had an IQ of 187 which means that Jim has an IQ of about 173.

This high IQ makes him counted amongst the top ninety-nine percent of most intelligent people on earth. Besides, this high IQ makes him an ideal candidate to portray Sheldon in the show.

The most interesting thing is that he also has various other attributes that Sheldon had such as social awkwardness and intense focus on tasks at hand. He is also extremely shy however, he has overcome his shyness and awkwardness enough for acting purposes.

Besides that, it is also said by other cast members of the show that Jim has an amazing ability to memorize things. He was the only person on the set who didn’t ever forget his lines during shooting.

So, it is safe to say that Jim Parsons’s IQ is almost as high as that of Sheldon Cooper whom he portrayed in the Big Bang Theory show. He has a very sharp memory and an amazing ability to commit things to memory instantly. However, he is also a little shy and socially awkward.