John Nash IQ

John Nash IQ (An American Mathematician)

IQ Level = 175

How Intelligent are you?

John Nash’s IQ is always of great interest to people who love mathematics. This is because Nash is considered to be a brilliant mathematician who worked towards this field with utmost focus and commitment.

He loved mathematics from a very young age and his intelligence and sharp mind were noticeable from the beginning. And today, years after his death, his contributions to this field are still remembered. Keep reading down below for further details.

John Nash IQ

John Nash had an estimated IQ of over 175 which means that he was a highly intellectual and super genius person. He made major contributions to the field of mathematics. He studied differential geometry and partial differential equations.

He also made many new discoveries relating to his selected field of interest i.e., math. This is the reason why he is still linked to every mathematics course outline.

It is said that John Nash had a laser-sharp focus. He could go days working on his mathematical equations and not talking to people at all. At times he would even forget to eat.

In addition to that, he also had a photographic memory. He could look at something for a few seconds and commit every tiny detail to his brain.

John Nash was so sharp-minded that he literally self-cured his mental disorder Schizophrenia with sheer force of will. It took him almost a decade to do so but he was successful at last.

So, it is safe to say that John Nash was indeed a highly intellectual and brilliant man. He had such great willpower that he self-corrected his schizophrenia through sheer mental and willpower. Nash is considered a true pioneer in the field of mathematics.