Kanye West IQ

Kanye West IQ (American Rapper and Record Producer)

IQ Level = 133

How Intelligent are you?

Kanye West is a matter of public record since he revealed his IQ score in one of his interviews. He himself claimed to have an IQ of 133 which is indeed a very high IQ score.

He is a renowned singer who is also known for his controversial statements and songs relating to anti-Semitism. One of his songs that particularly caught his attention is titled “Vultures”. For further details keep reading down below.

Kanye West IQ

Kanye West is a very prominent social media personality and an American songwriter, singer, rapper, record producer, and fashion designer. He is known for his controversial statements and sharp mind. His recent IQ test revealed his intelligence to be scaled as 133 which means that he is amongst the ninety-eight percent of the most intelligent people in the world.

He is very eloquent in his speech and although his statements might stir up controversies, he is very clear about his ideas and the ideas he wants to convey. He has a way with words and an amazing convincing power.

He is also known for his sharp focus of mind and keen analytical skills. These two qualities made him so successful in his career and earned him a fortune.

So, it is safe to say that Kanye West’s IQ places him amongst the most intelligent people in the world. His huge success and resulting fortune are proof enough of his sharp and intelligent mind. He is also a highly intellectual individual who has intense focus and keen observation.