Kat Williams IQ Score

Kat Williams IQ Score (American Comedian and Actor)

IQ Level = 163

How Intelligent are you?

It’s been more than 20 years that Katt Williams has been working for the entertainment of audiences. He has given memorable roles in Norbit and Friday After Next.

The celebrity is a world-renowned celebrity who is also known for his high IQ level. He is one of the most exceptionally intelligent comedians we have ever had on earth. Let’s look at the details of the IQ level of Katt Williams and his major achievements.

Katt Williams IQ Score

Katt Williams has an IQ level of 163. He declared his IQ level himself. We have to know that Katt Williams was able to fluently read, only when he was three years old.

Moreover, when the celebrity was between the ages of 8 to 12, he consumed approximately 3000 books annually. Of course, it’s not something very common. He not only is an actor and comedian but also one of the most talented celebrities in the world.

He is a great rapper and is famous for his versatility in the entertainment industry. Furthermore, Kate William was only 10 when he got associated with Mensa. Mensa is an organization that has all genius-level members in it.

Katt Williams also told his fans that he received a full scholarship in Ohio to the National Science Academy in Dayton when he was only 12. Well, it’s a very young age to get such achievements but because of his higher IQ level, we can say that the celebrity is exceptionally talented and God-gifted.

Katt Williams has an IQ level of 163 which makes him among the list of top genius people in the world. He is a multi-talented individual and is known to be a great actor, rapper, a member of Mensa, and a world-renowned talented comedian who was able to read at 3 years of age and received a full scholarship only when he was 12. We have described the comedian’s major achievements in detail above and his IQ level so you can get to know how talented Katt Williams is.