Mayim Bialik IQ

Mayim Bialik IQ (American Actress and Author)

IQ Level = 157

How Intelligent are you?

There are very few celebrities in Hollywood who are as intelligent as their characters in movies. One such individual is Mayim Bialik. Yes, she’s famous for her super smart role as a neurobiologist in The Big Bang Theory but only a few of us know that she is as smart in real life as her character in the movie is.

The celebrity is known for his super-smart brain and higher IQ level. This guide tells you about the IQ of Mayim Bialik and what she has achieved because of her intelligence level. Let us without wasting any more time start with the guide below.

Mayim Bialik IQ

The guide covers the details about Mayim Bialik’s IQ level, intellectual abilities, and description related to how smart she is. Well, she has an IQ level of somewhere in between 150 to 163. Her IQ is not confirmed but is believed to be this.

She is a super genius human. Just like in the movie, she is also a PhD holder in neuroscience in real life. Moreover, she is a specialized professional with OCD and obsessive-compulsive disorder in adolescence.

Although the celebrity has received offers from Yale and Harvard University to study, she selected UCLA because of the convenience of its location. She is a multi-talented celebrity who knows both English and Hebrew and is fully fluent in these two languages. Moreover, she loves music and is aware of how to play guitar, piano, and trumpet.

Mayim Bialik is one of the well-known celebrities who is known for the role of a neurobiologist in the Big Bang Theory. She is A PhD holder in neurobiology in real life, is multi-talented, and knows how to play several musical instruments including guitar, trumpet, and piano.

Although her IQ level is not yet identified exactly it has been estimated that she has an IQ of somewhere between 150 to 163. The above article tells you about her IQ level and the outstanding skills that she possesses. Pay attention so you can get to know about one of the smartest celebrities in Hollywood.