Michael Kearney IQ

Michael Kearney IQ (An American Author)

IQ Level = 252

How Intelligent are you?

Michael Kevin Kearney is known for setting world records regarding his graduation at a young level and teaching at a college as a teenager. No wonder he became a child prodigy in the States and continues to inspire many in the academic arena. This makes many wonder about Michael Kearney’s IQ score.

Turns out, Michael took the IQ test several times as a teenager. For all these tests, he scored between 200 and 325, making him one of the few. When driving this score on the Stanford-Binet test, experts believe his IQ test correlates to an IQ of 252.

Born in 1984 in Hawaii, US, Michael was homeschooled by his German-American parents and was diagnosed with ADHD early on. His sister, Meghan Kearney is also a child prodigy and like Michael, graduated from college when she was 16. A Psychology expert, Professor Huey H Miller III believes it was partly his parent’s attitude that helped Michael accomplish all this.

Speaking of academics, Michael enrolled in the Santa Rosa Junior College for an Associate of Science in Geology and graduated at the age of 10. He was later interviewed by Meredith Vieira on ABC for becoming the youngest person to have undergraduate degrees and a high-school diploma.

Later, he entered the University of South Alabama to study anthropology and this was the time when he was listed in the Guinness Book. He also received a Masters in Computer Science from Vanderbilt University. All these wide ranges of degrees signal his ability to adapt, understand, and process.

During Masters in Biochemistry from the Middle Tennessee State University, he wrote a 118-page thesis focusing on the Kinetic Isotope of Thymidine Phosphorylase. When he was 22, Michael started his PhD in Chemistry and proceeded to become a teaching assistant.


Michael Kearney is a genius and there is zero apprehension about his conventional intelligence. His higher IQ score and several degrees were the reason for his coming into the limelight. His life experiences and academic ventures are a testament to his cognitive abilities.