Ted Kaczynski IQ

Ted Kaczynski IQ (American Mathematician and Terrorist)

IQ Level = 167

How Intelligent are you?

Ted Kaczynski is one of the most intelligent mathematicians of the 21st century, known for his high IQ score. He also served at the University of California for a short period and later spent his life weirdly.

The thing that makes curious people know about him is his high IQ and the way he lived. Let’s explore the dimensions of his IQ and see how he ended up.

Ted Kaczynski earned his PhD from Harvard University at the age of 16 in 1969. He skipped his 6th and 11th grades and then was admitted to Harvard University, later emerging as the best mathematician of his time. Some sources claim that he participated in a project led by the CIA’s MK-Ultra during his years at Harvard.

No doubt he had incredible cognitive skills that’s why he was able to solve complex mathematical problems within a few minutes. He later served as a professor at the University of California but for a short period and then he left the job. According to the sources, he scored 167 on the IQ test, that’s why he was able to deal with difficult mathematical problems.

However, he turned out to be a terrorist and led a campaign against the technology world. He also wrote a manifesto “Industrial Society and Its Future” in which he depicted an image of the world of technology and its horror. According to Ted Kaczynski, technology is dangerous for humankind as we started relying on technological devices rather than understanding the reality of life.

Final Words

Ted Kaczynski was an incredibly genius mathematician and an excellent author but his extremist approach towards his point of view made him a terrorist and he ended up in jail. We cannot deny that he was a highly intelligent person but it does not mean that one should try to murder other people. Anyhow, we should appreciate his intelligence and avoid the approach he took to introduce his thoughts.