US Presidents Ranked by IQ | Which President had the Highest?

How Intelligent are you?

Leading a country is not as simple as we think, it requires polished cognitive skills and extraordinary abilities. IQ plays a pivotal role when it comes to the presidency, a low IQ president can be a danger to a nation. However, there is a long debate about whether US citizens should elect a high-IQ candidate or should vote for his authenticity rather than examining IQ.

When we dig into the history of the US, we can see that there were presidents with both low and high IQs who served excellently. Some label a group of republican presidents as intelligent while others claim that democrat presidents’ IQ scores are counterfeit. Let’s discuss the IQ scores of US presidents, explore who is the most intelligent president, and rank each one based on his IQ score.

Which President Had the Highest IQ?

Some claim that J.F Kennedy was the most intelligent president as he initiated the moon mission and turned the direction of the Cold War from a battle of weapons to a race of knowledge. Others label Abraham Lincoln as the most intelligent due to his role in the American Civil War and contributions to ending slavery in the country. Similarly, a few argue that Franklin D Roosevelt played a very diplomatic role during the times of the Second World War.

All these presidents indeed possessed exceptional cognitive skills that’s why they were able to become president of the United States and change the destiny of the region. But we cannot give a high or low IQ score to a person due to his contributions because there is a list of factors involved when a US president takes action. For example, his decision is based on the Congress rules, his cabinet advice, electronic media propaganda, and the satisfaction of his people.

Undoubtedly, these presidents took significant steps to make America great but it does not mean they had the highest IQ. To measure the IQ score, a person must take an IQ score and then the score is calculated by experts. If he scores high on the test we can award him the title of genius, or gifted person.

According to the history of the US presidency, we had both corrupt and loyal presidents. The person who owns the title of most intelligent US president is not anyone else but John Quincy Adams, one of the greatest presidents of all time. Reader’s Digest and Voice of America claim that John Quincy Adams had the highest IQ (175) compared to all the presidents.

Experts argue that he is the most intelligent US president of all time due to a series of factors: he graduated from Harvard University at the age of 20, he was fluent in 7 different languages and had a deep understanding of classic literature. Additionally, he took a few actions that shaped the modern US and made it the most powerful country.

For example, the Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the US and strengthened the country. No other president could accomplish this task except John Quency Adams because of his exceptional communication skills that helped him take Louisiana from France in 1803. Moreover, the Monroe Doctrine which restricted the European nations to colonize the Americas was also initiated by John Quincy Adams.

John Quincy Adams became a lawyer without completing law school. Historical records claim that he earned the degree in law due to his matchless intellect, sharpness of mind, and ability to impress people with his eloquent verbal skills. Later, he served as the Secretary of State under President James Monroe in the early days of his career.

Another piece of evidence that proves his high IQ is his written content which indicates he was unique compared to the other presidents. His letters to the members of Congress, presidents, and monarchs of European nations as well as his other writings are outstandingly impressive. He wrote on the historical events and the complex ideas related to his Christian philosophy which we can show that he perfectly articulated complex ideas.

US Presidents Ranked by IQ

Historians argue that the US played a pivotal role in shaping the new world order. They claim the US is one of the most significant countries throughout its history; its crucial part in the great depression, World War One and Two, and later in the Cold War is proof that the US is the savior of other nations. A significant factor that influences the diplomacy of America is its president who leads the country.

America has seen all kinds of presidents from George Washinton to Trueman and Biden. From the beginning of American history to the current day, each president dominated the US internal and external policy. Political psychologists argue that a president’s ability to perceive data, process information and struggle for results can affect an entire nation.

Historians have studied the presidents of the US, including their academic achievements, diplomatic approaches, and political achievements, and evaluated their cognitive abilities on the basis of these elements. I have created a list of the presidents and their estimated IQ scores. Let’s examine their IQ and then we will discuss how their smartness impacted the US and the world.

Name of PresidentsEstimated IQ Score
John Quincy Adams175
Thomas Jefferson160
John F. Kennedy160
Bill Clinton159
Jimmy Carter156.8
James Madison155
John Adams155
Barack Obama155
Franklin D. Roosevelt150
Millard Fillmore149
Franklin Pierce147
Rutherford B. Hayes146
Woodrow Wilson145.1
Benjamin Harrison145
Andrew Jackson145
Donald Trump145
Grover Cleveland144
Theodore Roosevelt143
George H.W. Bush143
Chester A. Arthur142
James A. Garfield141.5
Abraham Lincoln140
Lyndon B. Johnson140
George Washington140
Gerald Ford140
George W. Bush139
James Monroe139
John Tyler136.2
Martin Van Buren133
William Henry Harrison132

1. John Quincy Adams

  • Birthplace: Massachusetts Bay
  • Presidency: 6th President from 1825 to 1829
  • IQ: 175

A Harvard graduate, a 20-year-old boy who took the politics of the 17th century by storm had left inevitable marks on the history of America. He became president of the US during the days of high political uncertainty when the European powers had colonized more than half of the world. However, he successfully eliminated the French influence in the region and took a large area known as the Louisiana Purchase.

Mr. Adams is known as the most intelligent US president of all time due to his extraordinary cognitive abilities. He took education from all around the world, visited Russia at the age of 14, and became a lawyer before completing law school. He is also known for his scholarly writings on historical events and Christian philosophy.

2. Thomas Jefferson

  • Birthplace: Colony of Virginia
  • Presidency: 3rd President from 1801 to 1809
  • IQ: 160

Another president known for his intellect and extraordinary abilities is Thomas Jefferson who is famous for the Declaration of Independence. Historians argue that Mr. Jefferson had a grip on all kinds of science and social science subjects, including architecture, philosophy, and agriculture. Records claim that he could speak a number of languages fluently including Italian, Greek, French, and English.

3. J.F Kennedy

  • Birthplace: Massachusetts
  • Presidency: 35th President from 1961 to 1963
  • IQ: 160

J.F Kennedy was one of the youngest presidents of the 20th century who changed the direction of the Cold War. He encouraged Americans to work in fields, such as astronomy, biology, and economics and reformed the American education system. Historians label him a genius due to his exceptional academic achievements and excellent diplomacy which was also renowned by the Soviet leaders.

He completed his graduation from Harvard University, which was famous for the lowest acceptance rate around. Later, he joined politics, and after defeating his strong opponent, he was elected as president of the United States. He was such a smart as well as patient president of the United States who took a unique stance on the Cuban missile crisis, the space race, and civil rights.

4. Bill Clinton

  • Birthplace: Arkansas
  • Presidency: 42nd President from 1993 to 2001
  • IQ: 159

Bill Clinton is one of the most crucial presidents of America and is known for his diplomacy. He graduated from Georgetown University and later pursued his education at Oxford University in philosophy, economics, and politics. His diplomacy skills and high intellect are visible in his contributions and his role in the peace efforts between Israel and Palestine, the Bosnian war, and North American free trade.

5. Jimmy Carter

  • Birthplace: Georgia
  • Presidency: 39th President from 1977 to 1981
  • IQ: 156.8

Jimmy Carter is the oldest living US president who was famous for his robust politics and exceptional verbal skills. He graduated from the US Naval Academy and later studied submarine nuclear physics.

In more simple words, he was one of few presidents who had both scientific and political knowledge. Mr. Carter’s intellectual abilities are reflected in encouraging peace between Egypt and Israel, initiating the Panama Canal, and reducing tensions between the US and the Soviet Union.

6. James Madison

  • Birthplace: Colony of Virginia
  • Presidency: 4rth President from 1809 to 1817
  • IQ: 155

James Madison was an excellent student since his childhood, he graduated from the College of New Jersey and studied various subjects, including politics, economy, and philosophy. Later he joined politics and participated in the formation of the Constitution, he is also known as the Father of the Constitution. Mr. Madison never took an IQ test but we can estimate his IQ on the basis of his activities such as defending the Constitution and its merit by working on the Federalist Papers, his role in the formation of the Constitution, and his political theories, all indicate he was a genius.

7. John Adams

  • Birthplace: Massachusetts
  • Presidency: 2nd President from 1797 to 1801
  • IQ: 155

John Adams is one of the most significant presidents of America, he was also a freedom fighter and independence war veteran. He graduated from Harvard College where he studied literature, philosophy, and law; later, he joined politics and was elected as the 2nd president of the United States. He never took an IQ test in his life but his personality reflects that he was a highly intelligent person as he was a political theorist, and an activist before the revolution, and then he emerged as a skilled president.

8. Barack Obama

  • Birthplace: Hawaii
  • Presidency: 44rth President from 2009 to 2017
  • IQ: 155

From the Afghan war to the semiconductor battle and the Iran nuclear issues, Barack Obama dealt with all problems He is the Nobel prize winner and former president of the United States. The first African American president earned his degree from Columbia University in New York City. His scholarly personality reflects that he is an incredible genius, he played a role in the economic recovery, marriage equality, and climate change movement.

9. Franklin D. Roosevelt

  • Birthplace: New York
  • Presidency: 32nd President from 1933 to 1945
  • IQ: 152

Some historians argue that if the United States never participated in the Second World War, Nazi forces could win and then attack the peaceful nations in Asia and the America but a long-sighted person Mr. Roosevelt urged Congress to help non-fascist forces for American interest. He was a strong pawn of 20th-century world politics who later emerged as one of the longest-serving US presidents. Roosevelt graduated from Harvard University, and later joined politics His extraordinary cognitive abilities shone through in his strategic moves during the Great War.

10. Millard Fillmore

  • Birthplace: New York
  • Presidency: 13th President from 1850 to 1853
  • IQ: 149

Mr. Fillmore had limited education but his self-learning habit enabled him to understand politics, economy, philosophy, and economics. Some argue that he was more genius than depicted in the chronicles while others criticize him. However, political psychologists place him in the position of intellectually gifted people.

11. Franklin Pierce

  • Birthplace: New Hampshire
  • Presidency: 14th President from 1853 to 1857
  • IQ: 147

Franklin Pierce graduated from Bowdoin College where he studied various subjects including politics and law. He emerged as a powerful leader in the mid-1800s and was elected as the 14th president of the United States. Chronicles confirm that he was an excellent speaker and mentally sharp politician but he could not make progress due to escalating tensions over slavery.

12. Rutherford B. Hayes

  • Birthplace: Ohio
  • Presidency: 19th President from 1877 to 1881
  • IQ: 146

B. Hayes was a Harvard University graduate who studied law and politics and later emerged as a successful politician in the United States. He never took the IQ test but his work and contributions predict that he might have an IQ between 140 to 150. He ended the reconstruction, reformed the economy, and attained a new policy for native Americans.

13. Woodrow Wilson

  • Birthplace: Virginia
  • Presidency: 28th President from 1913 to 1921
  • IQ: 145.1

Woodrow Wilson was the man who saved the face of democracy during the First World War in 1917 by persuading Congress to participate in the war because if anti-democratic forces won, it could harm the sovereignty of America. The Princeton University graduate joined politics and emerged as one of the strongest leaders around that time. No doubt he was a long-sighted and highly intellectual person who predicted the world’s future and saved the country from the wrath of anarchy.

14. Benjamin Harrison

  • Birthplace: Ohio
  • Presidency: 23rd President from 1889 to 1893
  • IQ: 145

Benjamin Harrison was the 23rd president of the United States, a Miami University graduate who joined politics and became popular due to his exceptional verbal skills. There is no record that he ever took the IQ test but experts estimate his IQ based on his daily life activities, and contributions. He initiated the Latin American trade and reformed civil services.

15. Andrew Jackson

  • Birthplace: Waxhaw Settlement
  • Presidency: 7th President from 1829 to 1837
  • IQ: 145

Andrew Jackson had limited education and was inspired by the British during the American Revolution. However, he emerged as a powerful political personality of the 1800s and later was elected as the 7th president of America. Despite his limited education and poor background he made progress, reformed the banking system and democracy, and paid off the national debt so analyzing his mental sharpness and ability to solve problems the experts estimate that he had a high IQ (145).

Which president had the highest IQ?

John Quincy Adams had the highest IQ score 175.

What was JFK’s IQ?

J.F Kennedy’s IQ score was 160.

What was Abraham Lincoln’s IQ?

Lincoln was an educated president, he was a lawyer, farmer, and politician. Some argue that his IQ score was 148.

Who was the smartest first lady?

Examining the contributions and achievements, Eleanor Roosevelt was the smartest first lady.

IQ is a score to measure the cognitive abilities of a person, IQ tests have limitations and sometimes they may mislead. The presidents I have mentioned above never took IQ tests, and their cognitive ability scores are estimated by political psychologists, historians, and experts. IQ high is crucial to make progressive decisions, and lead a country; therefore, we can conclude that a person with higher IQ can lead better compared to a person with low cognitive abilities.

I hope this information will help you in the future, thank you.