Bogdanoff Twins IQ

Bogdanoff Twins IQ (Twin Presenters, Producers & Essayists)

IQ Level = 190

How Intelligent are you?

Probably there is no science lover unfamiliar with the name of Bogdanoff Twins, the French science-themed TV series hosts. Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff are famous from all around the world due to their science programs, books, and open panel discussions on core science topics including quantum physics and space complexities. Their fans argue that the Bogdanoff Twins possessed gifted IQ while others criticize their personalities considering their work as pseudo-science; let’s find the distinction between fact and fiction.

Temp X in the 1980s to 90 Minutes Special Cosmetology program in 2004, Bogdanoff Twins hosted a list of series on TV. Due to their incredible cognitive skills and excellent ability to communicate complex ideas, they were the superstar of science series during the late 1900s and early 2000s. They also wrote science books including “Avant le Big Bang” in 2004 which left a permanent mark on the science community of Europe.

Both Igor and Grichka earned science degrees: Igor had a PhD in theoretical physics while Grichka completed his PhD in mathematics in 1979. Their academic background indicates that they might have a high IQ compared to ordinary people. The Bogdanoff Twins claimed that their IQ score is above 190. In a program they revealed that both Igor and Grichka were highly intelligent since their childhood.

However, there is no record to clarify that they took an IQ test nor does any science organization support their claim. However, they were criticized by a group of scientists because of their theories on complex physics and space matters. In the beginning, they published a series of research papers in a renowned research journal, but later, its credibility was scrutinized and experts exposed that the journal was nonsensical.

No doubt, the Bogandof Twins were highly intelligent and famous due to their unique personalities, but they were also criticized by the scientists. Their theories regarding cosmology and space science do not seem authentic and there is always a sense of illogicity we can trace their work. Additionally, there is no record that both Igor and Grichka took a standardized IQ test and all the claims regarding their IQ score are superficial; anyhow, we should appreciate their efforts and acknowledge the struggle they made to become popular.