Lex Fridman IQ

Lex Fridman IQ (American Computer Scientist)

IQ Level = 135

How Intelligent are you?

Lex Fridman is a super genius human being who is known as a podcaster and a Russian American Computer Scientist. He is currently 40 years old and has a PHD in electrical and computer engineering. Here in this article we will look at the Lex Fridman IQ level and his major achievements to let you guys understand how smart individuals use their intelligence to get fame and success.

Lex Fridman IQ

Lex Friedman has an IQ level of 135. He is a Russian American computer scientist and a well-known broadcaster who interviews notable personalities particularly belonging to the fields of science and technology. Lex Fridman is also a writer and is particularly interested in artificial intelligence.

He has done several research related to information technology and has made several contributions in the latest human robot interaction and machine learning. He is also a research scientist who has researched particularly on the working of AI for autonomous vehicles, machine learning and human robot interaction. He in his podcasts interviews famous personalities and discusses education and achievements.


Lex Fridman with 135 IQ level is an unstoppable human being. He is a great scientist, and researcher, and one of the smartest minds in the world we currently have who work to advance technology day by day. This above article tells you about Lex Fridman and his contributions in technology including his IQ level so you can get to know about the smartness of this individual.