Rowan Atkinson IQ

Rowan Atkinson IQ (Actor and Comedian)

IQ Level = 178

How Intelligent are you?

Well, it definitely comes as a shocker to many that Mr. Bean is a genius and his intellect off-screen is off the charts. Rowan Atkinson is best known for his physically advanced comedic roles, parodies, and killer jokes, making him loved by many across the globe. Turns out, he is not as dumb as he appears on-screen and possesses an exceptional caliber for a person his age.

Reportedly, Rowan Atkinson’s IQ score is 178, which is among the super geniuses and makes up around 0.1% of the population. Want to know more about his cognitive abilities and educational qualifications? Keep reading this guide.

Born in 1955 in Durham, Atkinson was always a bright student and received top grades in Science A Levels, which also helped him secure a BSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Newcastle University. Subsequently, he received an MSc in Electrical Engineering from Oxford’s Queen College and became an honorary fellow.

All these qualifications alone suggest that Rowan is a genius and possesses a high caliber. Oxford was also where he met the director and writer Richard Curtis, with whom he later had many acting gigs. This English comedian, screenwriter, and comedian is best known for his massively watched character Mr. Bean, and sitcoms Blackadder.

He has also starred in successful franchises like Johnny English, Rat Race, Scooby Doo, and Four Weddings and a Funeral. For a person this smart, personifying dumb and idiotic characters on screen definitely needs some work. In 1981, Rowan received a BAFTA for best entertainment performance through his role in The Secret Policeman’s Ball.

Final Thoughts

Rowan Atkinson, a comedic character on-screen and genius off-screen, was listed among the 50 funniest actors in British comedy by The Observer. Throughout his career, Rowan received several honors, including Olivier Award and BAFTA. His extensive work and extraordinary educational qualifications are enough evidence of his cognitive abilities and emotional maturity.