Nikola Tesla IQ

Nikola Tesla IQ (American Engineer and Futurist)

IQ Level = 225

How Intelligent are you?

It is undoubtedly difficult to define intelligence, but when it comes to conventional cognitive abilities and brain curiosity, Nikola Tesla has it. This Serbian-American electrical engineer and inventor is best known for his contributions to the evolution of electricity history. Hence, it’s no surprise that he possessed extraordinary memory retention and problem-solving capabilities.

Turns out, many believed that Nikola Tesla’s IQ score was estimated to be between 150 and 300, depending on the test sale, though he had never talked about giving any test. Analyzing his score, he lied in the above-average caliber scale. Here is all you need to know about his dominant brain potential.

Born in 1856 in Austria-Hungary, Tesla demonstrated a high caliber of understanding and solving problems from a young age. The invention of the Tesla coil (an instrument to produce low-current and high-voltage electricity) is his most notable accomplishment in the field of electricity. Just to give you a clue, it resulted in the development of AC or alternate current that is used for transmission over longer distances in modern times.

In 1887, Tesla developed an induction motor that would run on alternating current and was used widely in Europe and the United States. Today, Tesla coils are widely used in wireless power transmission, AC motors, and electrical transmission equipment. In addition, Tesla received over 300 patents for his revolutionary inventions and developments in wireless networking, communication, and networking technology.

Final Thoughts

Nikola Tesla has an inherent ability to comprehend intricate details and solve them using logic and reasoning. Early in his academic life, he was able to solve complex mathematics problems, conduct experiments, and remember an entire book almost instantly, which is definitely indicative of his brain power and memory retention abilities.